Vision, Mission and Values


To achieve optimal health in every population.


The Department of Public Health of Mercer University will produce public health professionals by integrating public health education, service, and research to engage diverse communities (primarily, but not limited to minority, rural, and aging populations) in improving population health and eliminating health disparities and inequities to advance health equity and social justice.

Program Goals

  • Instruction:  Implement active learning strategies to produce professionals who demonstrate mastery of all public health learning objectives and competencies, and engage with diverse communities and organizations in advancing health, health equity, and social justice.
  • Research/Scholarship:  Support advancement of the public health field by engaging faculty, students, and community partners in research and research translation that focuses on diverse communities to improve population health, eliminate disparities and inequities, and advance health equity and social justice.
  • Service: Engage faculty and students in service to meet public health needs by working with communities and organizations that seek to improve population health and eliminate health disparities and inequities to advance health equity and social justice.
  • Program Development:  Develop and maintain infrastructure and resources that support faculty, staff, and students as they work to accomplish the mission of the public health program.

Core Values

  • Collaboration – working together and respecting each other’s contributions.
  • Compassion – showing empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
  • Competence – demonstrating mastery of skills of one’s profession or vocation.
  • Equity – working for the application of justice to promote and improve health
  • Excellence – performing at the highest level and exceeding the expectations of those we serve.
  • Integrity – unwavering adherence to a professional and ethical code of conduct.
  • Respect and Honesty – conducting ourselves in a manner that demonstrates the value of each individual.
  • Service – offering our talents and skills toward betterment of our communities.
  • Justice – committing to fairness and reasonableness in the treatment of others

Profile of a DrPH Graduate

The Mercer DrPH graduate is a transformative leader who works innovatively and collaboratively with diverse populations, skillfully coordinates health improvements locally and around the world, and is dedicated to serving communities in need.