Vision, Mission, Goals, and Values
The College of Health Professions will be nationally recognized for promoting and improving health through excellence in education, leadership, and innovation.
The College of Health Professions seeks to prepare students to improve the health and quality of life of individuals and society through excellence in teaching, research, and service.
The goals of the College of Health Professions are to:
- Provide an education that is effective, innovative, and comprehensive to include undergraduate, graduate, residencies, fellowships, and certificate programs.
- Foster an environment that is caring, equitable, and responsive toward all stakeholders.
- Ensure quality of programs through continuous assessment and improvement.
- Encourage diversity and adhere to the values of the University’s Judeo-Christian heritage while respecting the pluralistic values of our society.
- Engage students in active learning to enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- Foster personal and professional growth and a commitment to lifelong learning.
- Support a highly qualified faculty in their pursuit of teaching, scholarly activity, and service in recognition that these activities are integral components of continuing professional growth.
- Provide the infrastructure to support research that integrates components of basic science, public health, clinical interventions, and pedagogical innovation.
- Prepare graduates to assume leadership roles in their communities and profession.
- Engage in interprofessional education to develop mutual understanding of and respect for the contributions of various disciplines for the betterment of individuals and society.
Core Values
The College of Health Professions bases its educational programs and position in the healthcare community upon certain core values. The core values of the College are:
- Collaboration – working together and respecting each other’s contributions.
- Compassion– showing empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
- Excellence – performing at the highest level.
- Integrity – unwavering adherence to an ethical code of conduct.
- Justice – committing to fairness and equity in the treatment of others.
- Learning – acquiring, synthesizing, understanding, and assimilating new knowledge and information.
- Professionalism – exhibiting appropriate behaviors and adhering to an established code of conduct.
- Service – offering our talents and skills toward betterment of our communities.